Raw Milk - The Best Choice. In America over Globally, the unpasteurized milk versus pasteurized milk is hotly debated. Lactose intolerant people who have tried raw milk for the first time have, in some cases, been able to enjoy the milk and studies suggesting consuming raw milk may also aid in the prevention of childhood diseases such as asthma and allergies. Many supporters of unpasteurized milk argue its many health benefits such as milk's valuable nutrients which are destroyed by pasteurization and good bacteria cultures. Pasteurized milk on the other hand requires smaller area of space for cows with grain and no pastures.
In the early 20th century, raw milk was the norm but had fallen out of favour due to the cost to produce it as it requires healthy cows and large pastures. The debate between these two forms of milk has gone on for generations. Cows with other feed such as grains and in less healthy conditions can have milk which is easily contaminated and can cause sickness if consumed raw therefore many of these cows have milk which is pasteurized and therefore kills the bacteria. The key is these cows, and other animals, are kept in good health and have access to grass, their natural diet. As long as the equipment is clean and sterilized and the cows healthy raw milk is not dangerous. The product goes straight from the cow cooled and bottled for distribution. Coming from a variety of milk producing animals (cows and goats), raw milk is unpasteurized milk and comes from animals which are only fed grass and hay (in the winter months when grazing is sometimes not optional). What is raw milk; the term is widespread in use, and likewise its definition varies.