Mascarpone Cheese 2011. Since the whey is removed from Mascarpone cheese it makes a good alternative. It is the whey in cheese that they have trouble digesting. Individuals who have lactose intolerance often miss the taste of cheese. However it does contain high amounts of calcium.
Since it does have such a high fat content, Mascarpone cheese isn't classified as one of the healthiest for you. The remaining product that is sold as Mascarpone cheese has a fat content of 47%, one of the highest of all cheese products out there. Any remaining whey is separated during this process. The whey is removed form the mixture and the Mascarpone is placed in cloth bags for an entire day. They whey in the cream separates during the cooling process. The cream mixture is then cooled and refrigerated for at least 12 hours. During the heating process tartaric acid and water are added to the mixture so it with become thick and dense. The cream that remains is placed into large metal containers and then heated to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. The cream from the milk will rise to the top and it is skimmed off.
The process of making Mascarpone cheese involves letting the milk from the cow stand for a length of time. It is commonly made in the area of Lombardy. The unique taste of Mascarpone cheese is due to the fact that the milk comes from cows that are fed a special diet of grasses, herbs, and flowers. Many times Mascarpone cheese resembles a light colored butter. The cream used to make it is low in fat. The milky white color of Mascarpone cheese comes form the double and triple cream process.